A small portfolio of projects made while at TSA
-a non exhaustive list
I began my time at the Alliance on the 9th of March, 2020 (in office) and quickly started working on a variety of projects - I had started on streetpole banners and flip flops for the upcoming Taste and Solstice events. That Thursday was my last day in office, and i’ve been remotely checking in every day since then. 
As quarantine started, I was given a plethora of tasks to keep the public occupied and aware of what was going on - one of the most successful being the coloring book pages that I made for different areas of Times Square.
On that same note, I began working to create gifs for the various plaza programs that occur, namely Broadway Buskers. Considering that everything was going to be in a vastly different format this year - I thought that creating engaging GIFS would be a good idea.
It seems that the first major project that I worked on was “Songs for Our City” - a digital way to bring music to people that couldn't visit Times Square in person. There was quite a large process that went into it. I was tasked with creating a “brand” and style based on a brand identity that was executed the year prior. Shown here is the early brainstorming process that allowed me to come to my final conclusions about how the entire aesthetic will look. 
Initial mood board that inspired our design aesthetic - which led to this poster design
Motion design was a very big part of the SfOC concept, as switching to an entirely digital platform allowed for myself to experiment with different forms of visual communications. Below is how I decided to showcase the lineup of artists.
Using the existing SfOC aesthetic, I conceptualized something different for Broadway Buskers. Using the vintage aesthetic that was created for SfOC, I went with a more muted color palette that explored the more down to earth side of performance and its connection to people in Times Square. These three base colors were selected, continuing with the record motif and square as a way to frame both text and later on, the performers themselves.
Going along with that theme, I created squares that highlighted each performer’s headshot.
All in all i’ve created around 30 indivdual graphics for each performer.
The next step, of course, was to create a motion graphic to showcase each artist. 
Between all of these major projects came quite a few side projects. One of my favorites happens to be the physical distancing signage that I worked on, featuring branding inspired by various broadway plays. 
More recently, I created a series of gifs for this years Midnight Moment - a literal minute at midnight where various artists can have their work displayed for all to see in Times Square.
Original Concept
Final Version
And beyond that, I started with essential worker portraits as a way to thank those that have been working every day during this pandemic.